There is a venerable tradition within many religious communities of praying for each other, and requesting others to pray for us in our time of need. Please take a moment to add your prayer request below, and we will gladly light a candle and pray for you. When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the "I Prayed For You" button so that we can let the requestor know how many times prayers have been lifted up.
Lawrence J. Turner John J. Reid
please remember my neice Patrice in your prayers. Father Larry Turner
Received: January 28, 2019
This prayer has been answered!
Lawrence J. Turner John J. Reid
please remember my Neice Patrice in yur prayers she recently died. Father Larry Turner
Received: January 28, 2019
Maria C
Thank you all for your prayers.
I ask for prayers for myself as I'm completing 8 months of my pregnancy and the doctor has given me due date of 21st Feb. I need your prayers as this is my first child and I'm anxious nervous worried as I don't know what I need to do or take care or handle.
Here in India pregnant women go to their mothers house for the 1st time pregnancy. I could not go because of a lot of family issues between my mother Alice, father Darlan, me and my husband Jowett. My parents have still not accepted my husband even after 2 years of marriage. They felt that I would be unhappy and still think he is a cheat and liar. My mom had said a lot of negative things to me when I was getting married and even after marriage it continued. My father hates my husband and does not even talk to me which is soo painful. He has gone out to spoil my husband's name with false stories and he drinks heavily. My husband is upset with my mom's negative attitude towards me. My mom messages me that she prays for me and not to worry. But in person once at a family lunch she spoke to me but my husband observed that her attitude towards me was just not motherly. For me as long as she talks to me I'm fine. My husband is upset with her and does not want her at the hospital for delivery. I'm soo lost and confused and miss my mom soo much even though she has hurt and offended me a lot. Once mom said she might not come to the hospital because my father will not allow it. My father drinks heavily and is bitter. He has no God in his life and skips Sunday mass also. He is being instigated by the wrong people with false stories and he believes them. All these thing worry me. My husband does not want me to talk to my mother too much because of her negativity and the things of the past what she has said to spoil his name. All these thoughts upset me. Please pray for my husband Jowett to be forgiving and understanding towards my family.
My parents need inner healing and deliverance prayers. They always sit and blame others for their problems. They hardly compromise and never have solutions to problems. I've experienced this home situations before marriage. My father is a stubborn man who walks out and drinks in anger when a fight at home.
Please pray. God bless you.
Received: January 19, 2019
Please pray to Jesus and mother Mary to have mercy on souls of Ms. Gomes, Ms. Lilia and Mr Alexio, and grant them the grace of conversion and final perseverance.
Received: January 16, 2019
Please pray for me I have to do a cataract surgery on the 19th of January 2019, please pray that everything goes alright by the Grace of God, please pray for the doctor to do everything correctly, and that I would be calm and my eye would heal without any problems.
Thanking you in advance for your prays
Received: January 16, 2019
please pray for Robert Rogers and that he has a speedy recovery from his sickness
Received: January 15, 2019
Please pray for my partner who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and being treated at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. I pray everyday for a cure for his cancer, brain tumor and that he regain his speech and strength. I believe through the intercession of Padre Pio and all the saints and Our Blesssed Mother that Jesus will assist the doctors in finding a cure. I place all my trust in His Devine Mercy. Amen
Received: January 3, 2019
Xavier Correia
Please pray to Jesus to have mercy on soul of Ms. Sucorinha Gomes and grant her salvation and eternal rest.
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